This course is to define the goals you wish to achieve during the next 12 months. Keep in mind you can create goals for a shorter time frame using the steps we give you during this class. We begin the course with written exercises to clearly articulate what it is you desire. After the written exercises, you will create a visual display showing your goals.
What makes this different from a vision board?
Most vision boards have too many beautiful pictures with so many goals, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to achieve all of them. This leads to frustration, resignation, and quitting. This course selects your top goals and then we develop, through exercises, conversation, coaching and artistic means, the effective steps and actions to take to turn your hopes into reality.
Let’s take a moment to introduce ourselves. We’ll go first and then please tell us your name and one sentence that describes who you are! Take a few minutes to write something so you are prepared. While you are doing that, please print your first name with the marker on the name tent in front of you.
First, we start with your CORE VALUES.
Everyone has different values and there is nothing right or wrong about what you select or have chosen.
How do we define CORE VALUES?
INSTRUCTORS: This is a group exercise, write down answers on white board or large worksheet.
Here is one way to define core values:
Core values are personal ethics or ideals that guide you when making decisions, building relationships and solving problems.
Does this resonate with you?